Building Your Career in a Post Pandemic Market - Develop Your Career Action Plan
Develop Your Career Action Plan
I have become obsessed with learning and teaching how to build a successful career. So, what are the three (3) key steps?
1) Define your career aspiration – previous blog (June 3, 2020)
2) Determine what career lifecycle stage – previous blog (June 11, 2020)
3) Develop your action plan – today’s blog
If you have been reading my blogs, you have already developed your career aspiration and determined your career lifecycle stage, congratulations you are moving forward and making progress!
So, what is next? Develop your career action plan.
First, evaluate your satisfaction of your current role, company and industry. There are three key questions to ask yourself in developing your career action plan:
Do you see your current role capable of growing to reach your career aspiration?
Does your current company or institution have the opportunities to grow your career aligned with your career aspiration?
Is the current industry you work in growing and will it allow you to develop your career?
Second, map out your next few years, at least 5 years, in 18-24 month periods. Identify roles, companies or industries that best align with your career aspiration. Your next roles could be within your current company or institution, or they could be outside of your current company or industry. If your next step is a significant change in roles (HR to Sales/Marketing), it might be easiest to look for opportunities in your current company or institution. Learning a new role in an organization you know, will be easier. If you are looking for a promotion, look both internally and externally.
Third, determine if there are any skill/knowledge areas you need to fill to fully achieve your career aspiration. Sometimes it might require you to “go back, before you go forward”. Do you need additional training, certifications or apprenticeships before you can take on your next career assignment? If you do, do it now, it will never get any easier!
Forth, write your plan down, monitor it and adjust it annually. Your plan should be evergreen, open to changes throughout your career. The plan should provide you a general direction and be available to you throughout your career for review, adjustments and modifications.
Lastly, recognize your successes! Take the time to celebrate your career with family and friends. Be sure you thank those around you who have helped and keep your eyes on your aspiration.
Building your career takes a lifetime, but it can be rewarding. Start with your aspirations, determine where you are in the career lifecycle and then develop your action plan. Own your career, craft it the way you want it, and be proud of your accomplishments when you look back. No regrets, no do-overs, just a life and a career well-lived.
Stay tuned for upcoming blogs on helpful career Tidbits!